First, I canNOT believe it IS April. March was an absolute blur of growth for Guardian Grains and snow on the farm. We are anxious to start cleaning grain again as we are sold out of Spelt, Hard Red Spring Wheat, Turkey Red Wheat

and Egyptian Hulless Barley at the production facility in Tuttle, ND. Don't worry, we have PLENTY of grain, we just need the weather to cooperate so we can get it cleaned and to the mill. We appreciate your patience during this adjustment to our new normal. We are overwhelmed and grateful for all of your orders in support of our efforts on the farm.
Thats Egyptian Barley Stubble behind me.

We have one last trip planned for this spring and that is to Ohio where we will be participating in a field day at the farm of the legendary David Brandt. In the soil health world and regenerative farming, he is considered the GODFATHER of Regenerative Ag. It's a pretty huge deal to GO to his field day let alone present there. We are humbled, honored and anxious for this enormous opportunity to share what we are doing on our farm with Indigenous Micro Organisms to build healthy soil, plants, animals and people. If you want to learn about we are helping other farmers utilize native biology in their fields, check out IMOS™
Until Next time...lots of love